
Our children are assessed against a set of nationally agreed criteria and our pupils’ achievements are compared nationally with all those pupils of the same age and against schools in the local authority and in England.

Early Years Foundation Stage

We monitor how well pupils are achieving and the extent to which they are meeting identified expectations in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile which helps to identify those who are achieving a good level of development and those who we need to give additional help.

The Phonics Screening Test at the end of Year 1

It assesses pupils’ phonic skills as part of early reading.

End of KS1 SATs

These are no longer statutory and we use them internally as teacher assessments, informed by tests, to measure where the children are at the end of KS1.

End of KS2 SATs

These are externally marked tests and internal teacher assessments that are used to measure the progress up to the end of KS2.

Attainment 2024

Attainment 2023

Attainment 2022

Attainment 2021 (based on teacher assessment)

No National or Camden data published for 2021.


Attainment 2020 (based on teacher assessment)

No National or Camden data published for 2020.


Attainment 2019

Progress Scores KS1-KS2 2019


Attainment 2018

Performance Tables

Every year the Department for Education and Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services & Skills) publish data on school performance.

The links below will take you to the relevant pages at both the DfE and Ofsted websites.

The performance data on St Luke’s CE School from the Department for Education is here.

The data on St Luke’s CE School from Ofsted is here.

2018/19 Headline Measures

EYFS 2018/19 – St Luke’s Church of England School Early Years Foundation Stage Headline Measures

Phonics 2018/19 – St Luke’s Church of England School Phonics Headline Measures

KS1 2018/19 – St Luke’s Church of England School Key Stage 1 Headline Measures

KS2 2018/19 – St Luke’s Church of England School Key Stage 2 Headline Measures

2017/18 Headline Measures

EYFS 2017/18 – St Luke’s Church of England School Early Years Foundation Stage Headline Measures

Phonics 2017/18 – St Luke’s Church of England School Phonics Headline Measures

KS1 2017/18 – St Luke’s Church of England School Key Stage 1 Headline Measures

KS2 2017/18 – St Luke’s Church of England School Key Stage 2 Headline Measures