Equality & Inclusion


Meeting Our Equality Duty

St Luke’s CE School is a school with a strong Christian ethos which is truly inclusive and actively celebrates diversity. We believe that all members of our community are of equal worth and we want this to be the experience of everyone. We demonstrate our commitment to this by prioritising the well-being and progress of every child in our school and by striving to ensure that all members of our community are treated fairly in all situations.

We believe that the Equality Act provides us with a framework to support our commitment to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. It also ensures that we tackle any issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups represented in the school.

Our approach to equality is based on the following 7 key principles:

  • All learners are of equal value
  • We recognise, respect and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength
  • We foster positive attitudes and relationships
  • We foster a shared sense of cohesion and belonging
  • We observe good equalities practice for our staff
  • We have the highest expectations of all our children
  • We work to raise standards for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable

Having looked at our school’s improvement priorities and carefully analysed pupil data, we have identified 4 equality objectives which we want to achieve over the next 3 years. We have also taken into account national priorities that have been identified by OFSTED and the priorities for Camden which have been identified by the Education Commission.

We will measure our success in meeting the Public Service Equality Duties by the extent to which we achieve these objectives over the next 3 years and by how much outcomes improve for all priority groups within the school.

Our Equality Objectives for 2023-2027 are:

  • To ensure that staff with mental and physical health needs feel supported by the school and ensure that any disadvantages they experience are addressed.
  • To ensure that pupils entitled to Pupil Premium can experience the same rich and fulfilling educational opportunities as their peers.
  • To ensure that children who have English as an additional language or SEND are equipped with a rich vocabulary and are able to express themselves confidently.
  • To ensure a high level of respect for all cultures, religions, family experiences and backgrounds.

To read our Equalities Policy, Objectives and Action Plan, please go to the Policies section of the website.

SEND provision at St Luke’s CE School

At St Luke’s we support children through one to one and small group work within the classroom.  We work collaboratively with external professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists, to ensure that children all make good progress. Our SENDCo attends the Local Authority SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator) forum which keeps schools up to date with national developments and local projects on inclusion. All our children are carefully tracked and monitored through their everyday learning, and their progress is reviewed every term.

As part of our mission to serve the local community, we aim to accept any child with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) if we can meet their needs at our school. We are always happy to meet prospective parents to discuss the application for an individual child.

Our SENDCo, Mrs J. Galton, can be contacted via the school office email or by telephone on 020 7435 5604.

To read our Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy please go to the Policies section of the website.

The Local Offer

Camden Local Authority’s website publishes a Camden Local Offer which offers a wide range of information about the specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND. It also explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Educational Health and Care Plan (ECHP).

You will also find information about:

  • Where to go for advice and guidance on SEND matters
  • Leisure activities for children with SEND
  • Arrangements for resolving disagreements and mediation

St Luke’s CE School SEND Information Report 2024-5

The purpose of our school’s SEN Information Report is to inform parents and carers about:

  • how we welcome into our school children with special educational needs and/or disabilities;
  • how we support them in all aspects of school life and remove barriers to achievement;
  • how we work in close partnership with parents/carers and children;
  • how we make effective provision for all of our children with special educational needs and disabilities – SEND.

We keep our SEN Information Report under review by asking parents and children what is working well and what they want to improve.