We learn to play and play to learn!

Teachers and support staff in our Reception Class use the Early Years Foundation Stage programme to help plan and organise the children’s play.

This is done under the seven areas of learning:

Personal Social and Emotional Development
Children are individually supported to develop a positive sense of self, respect for others, to build relationships and social skills.

Communication and Language
Children are provided with opportunities to become good communicators. This is achieved through learning to listen and speak as well as extending their vocabulary.

Physical Development
Children are provided with opportunities inside and out that make them active and interactive and improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement.

Children are provided with opportunities to experience a wide range of stories, books and rhymes and will develop an understanding of the relationship between the spoken and written word, ascribe meaning to their writing and begin to form letters.

Children are provided with opportunities to practice and extend their problem solving, reasoning and numeracy skills to gain confidence and competence in their use.

Understanding the World
Children are provided with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them make sense of the world.

Expressive Arts and Design
Children are provided with opportunities to explore and share thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example through a variety of art, music, dance and role play activities.