Religious Education

Religious Education of the highest quality lies at the heart of our life as a Church of England school and our Christian ethos underpins everything that we teach. Religious Education lessons take place every week in each class, from EYFS to Year 6. We teach the children through stories, drama, looking at the Bible and discussion in class about: the life of Jesus; Christian ideas about God; the role of the church and also about other world faiths.

We follow the RE syllabus that has been written by the Diocese of London which has been designed to help children to both learn about religions and to learn from religions.

Whilst the children learn about all the major world faiths, the syllabus naturally gives particular emphasis to the Christian faith.

Five Principles for Religious Education that underpin our entire RE offering:

  • We believe that Religious Education allows us to ask ‘big’ questions where there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer
  • We believe that Religious Education allows us to explore values and morals that we and others hold
  • We believe that Religious Education allows us to explore a variety of cultures and beliefs whilst developing acceptance and understanding
  • We believe that Religious Education allows us to learn from other people’s beliefs and practices
  • We believe that Religious Education allows us to experience awe and wonder at ourselves, the world and the universe

St Luke’s Church

We attend St Luke’s Church for weekly collective worship as well as special services throughout the school year.

St Luke’s is a friendly Anglican Evangelical Church in Hampstead. Whoever you are and whatever your previous Christian experience, you will be welcomed. For many years the Church has run youth clubs, children’s after-school activities, pre-school drop-in and support groups for parents and carers. These activities have always been open for non-Church members and Church members alike, and it is this vision and heart for the whole local community which has inspired our own vision for St Luke’s CE School.