Wider Opportunities

At St Luke’s we actively encourage our teachers to plan trips that bring the work the children do in class to life.

Recently, we have visited the British Museum, HMS Belfast, St Paul’s Cathedral, Brent Sikh Centre and Westminster Abbey. We travel by tube, train, bus or on occasion, coach and our teachers do a pre-visit risk assessment of both the journey and the destination.

By signing the Home School Agreement, you give your permission to allow your children to attend local visits not involving public transport. For the trips that involve public or private transportation, you will be sent full details of the trip as well as a permission slip to be signed and returned to the school.

Sometimes, we invite parents to join us on our trips to give us extra support in supervising the children but we ask that you don’t bring younger siblings with you who may distract you from focusing fully on the class you are accompanying.  Please note that as much as we’d like to, we can’t accommodate every parent who wants to come on a particular trip.

Again as much as we’d like to, we can’t afford to cover the costs of transportation and entrance fees for these school trips and always ask for parental support in the form of a voluntary contribution. Please note that no child will be excluded from any activity purely on a financial basis and any difficulties are dealt with in the strictest confidence.

When children reach Year 6 they go a residential trip for five days. This Multi-Activity course offers more than just adventure. On land, water and in the air, the children discover how ‘giving your all’ brings its own rewards. Whether they’re finding the courage to jump backwards off an abseil tower or building a raft to race across the lake, each challenge helps pupils strengthen friendships, learn new skills and build confidence.


Music is an important part of our curriculum and children can take part in 1:1 lessons through the Camden Music Service. We sing regularly during our Collective Worship times and we have our own SLS choir who meet weekly to sing together and take part in regular performances. Our KS2 children also take part in the Camden Music Festival and Prom Praise at the Royal Albert Hall.

The Camden Music Service has two Saturday centres with an extensive range of music making opportunities at both.

The Junior Centre is based at Brecknock Primary School.  For children aged 0-6, the Crescendo music classes offer a range of fun introductory music activities.  For children aged 6-10, they offer a range of activities including Camjam Voices, Camband, beginners orchestra, drumming and keyboard groups as well as music technology.

The Senior centre is based at Camden School for Girls for Year 6 pupils and above.  They offer a comprehensive range of instrumental tuition, orchestras and instrumental groups, choirs including the Camden Youth choir, together with theory classes, exam preparation, chamber groups, music technology and composition.

Supergroups – To be in a Supergroup, you will need to be in Years 3-6; have learnt your instrument for at least two terms, be able to play and read at least 5 notes and enjoy focussing for a whole weekend of music making.

If you’d like more information about any of these activities, please contact the Music Service on 020 7974 7239 or visit http://www.camdenmusic.org/