We are very fortunate at St Luke’s to have a PFA that is a committed and integral part of the school community. The PFA is made up of parent volunteers who regularly organise fundraising activities to support all we do at the school.

In recent years, the PFA has raised funds to make some vital improvements to the school, including:

  • New computers for each classroom
  • Revision materials for children in Year 2 and Year 6
  • Whole school trips to the theatre

Each class has a PFA representative for you to talk to and discuss fundraising ideas and initiatives. If you don’t know who the rep is in your class, please ask in the school office.

We are very fortunate at St Luke’s CE School to have a variety of companies who support our school, either on a regular basis or through donations to our fund-raising events.

If you are interested to find out how your business might be able to support our school, please contact our School Business Manager via the School Office.

Don’t forget to help the PFA raise funds by using The Giving Machine to make on-line purchases.